Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Dambadeniya Rajamaha Vihara Development Foundation (Incorporation) Act (No. 14 of 1994) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be-
(a) to assist in the maintenance of the building of the Dambadeniya Rajamaha Vihara and to construct and maintain new building as and when necessary;
(b) to engage in activities for the propagation of Buddhism and for the promotion of the study of Sinhalal, Pali and Sanskrit languages;
(c) to promote Dhammaduta work in Sri lanka and abroad;
(d) to establish a training institution for Samanera Bhikkus, Pirivenas and Dhamma schools and to foster research on the Buddhist doctrine;
(e) to conduct activities for the promotion of religious fervor among Buddhist and the people of the area;
(f) to promote activities for the spiritual, cultural, social and material welfare of its members.

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