Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Electricity Reform Act (No. 28 of 2002) - Sect 3

Functions of the Commission

3. The function of the Commission shall be to act as the economic, technical and safety regulator for the electricity industry in Sri Lanka and -
(a) to advice the Government , on all matters concerning the generation, transmission, distribution, supply and use of electricity in Sri Lanka;
(b) to exercise licensing, regulatory and inspection functions, as the case may be in respect of matters provided for in this Act, licences, regulations standards of performance, codes of practice and other requirement of or made under this act relating to the generation transmission, distribution, supply and use of electricity in Sri Lanka;
(c) to approve such technical and operational codes and standards as are required from time to time to be developed by licensees ;
(d) to regulate tariffs and other charge levied by licenses and other electricity undertaking ;
(e) after consultation with transmission and distribution licensees, to publish a statement setting out the rights and obligations of consumers arising under sections 22 to 28 of, and Schedules 1 and 2 this Act :
(f) to collect and record information relating to the generation, transmission, distribution, supply and use of electricity in Sri Lanka ;
(g) to set and enforce technical and other standards relating to the safety, quality, continuity and reliability of electricity supply service and metering service ;
(h) to promote the efficient use and conservation of electricity ;
(i) to prepare, within three month of the coming into operation of this Chapter and service, from time to time thereafter, a regulatory manual containing a code of good practice relating to the functions assigned to the Commission by or under this Act ;
(f) to pursue any matter relating to the functions conferred on or assigned to the Commission by or under this Act within such period and in such manner as may be specified in the regulatory manual ;
(k) subject to the provisions of this Act, to consult to the extent the Commission considers appropriate, any person or group of persons who may be affected, or are likely to be affected, by the decisions of the Commissions and
(l) to undertake all incidental or ancillary measures that it considers appropriate for the effective discharge of its functions.

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