Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Electricity Reform Act (No. 28 of 2002) - Sect 57

Improper use of electricity to be an offence

(1) Where prejudice to the provisions of Schedule 2 to this act, every persons who -
(a) not being an authorized officer of a licensee, connects or disconnects any electric line thought which electricity is or may be supplied by the licensee to or from meter, indicator or other apparatus ; or
(b) without the consent of a licensee lays, or causes to be laid, any electric line or connects up any electric line, equipment, apparatus, or works, for the purpose of establishing a connection with any electric line, apparatus or works belonging to a licensee,
(2) Any person who aids or abets the commission of any offence punishable under this section shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable to the same punishment as is provided for the principal offence. Where two or more persons are convicted of having committed the same offence whether as principal or abettor the value of such loss or damage may be apportioned among such persons and be amount so apportioned shall be imposed on each of such persons as a fine.
(3) A certificate issued by the licensee shall be received as proof of the value of such loss or damage in the absence evidence to the contrary. In the absence of any agreement a licensee may charge for energy supplied to any consumer in accordance with any method of charging provided for in the licensee.
(4) In the case of such offence being continued after conviction, there shall be imposed a further fine not exceeding five hundred rupees for each day any on which such offence being continued after conviction.
(5) Every offence under section 56 or this section shall be a cognizable offence with the meaning and for the purposes of the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, No. 15 of 1979.

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