Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Energy Supply (Temporary Provisions) Act (No. 2 of 2002) - Sect 2

Constitution of the Energy Supply Committee

(1) There shall be established a Committee to be called the Energy Supply Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") .
(2) The Committee shall consist of the following :
(a)ex-officio members
(i)the Secretary to the Treasury, who shall be the Chairman ;
(ii) the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Power and Energy ;
(iii) the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Enterprise Development, Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion ;
(iv) the Chairman of the Ceylon Electricity Board established by the Ceylon Electricity Board Act;
(v) the Chairman of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation established by the Petroleum Corporation Act;
(vi) the Director-General of the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka established by the Sri Lanka Board of Investment Law ;
(vii)the Chairman of the National Energy Council ;
(viii)the Energy Regulator appointed under section 8 ; and
(b) a representative of the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Policy Development and Implementation, nominated by the Minister of Policy Development and Implementation and appointed by the Minister.
(3)A member appointed under paragraph (b) of subsection (2), shall hold office for the period of two years from the date of his appointment, unless he resigns his office by letter addressed to the Minister or, is removed from office by the Minister, in consultation with the Minister in charge of the subject of Policy Development and Implementation, for reasons assigned.
(4)The quorum for any meeting of the Committee shall be six members and the Committee may regulate the procedure, in regard to the meetings of the Committee and the transaction of business at such meetings.

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