Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Energy Supply (Temporary Provisions) Act (No. 2 of 2002) - Sect 8

Energy Regulator

(1) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the Committee, appoint a person as the Energy Regulator of the Committee, who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Committee.
(2)The Cabinet of Ministers shall determine the qualifications that any person to be appointed as the Energy Regulator should possess, and the terms and conditions subject of which, such person may be appointed and the salary and other allowances that may be paid to such Energy Regulator.
(3)The Committee shall, delegate to the Energy Regulator such powers as it considers necessary.
(4)The Energy Regulator may, with the approval of the Committee, whenever he considers it necessary to do so, delegate to any person, whose services have been obtained under section 10 of this Act, any power, function or duty conferred or imposed on or assigned to him by this Act. And such person shall exercise, discharge and perform such power, function or duty, subject to the general or special directions of the Energy Regulator.

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