Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Finance (N0. 2) Act (No. 2 of 1963) - Sect 21

Amendment of Chapter 203

21. The Motor Traffic Act is hereby amended as follows: -
(a) in subsection (4) of section 7 of that Act, by the substitution, for the expression " prescribed form.", of the expression " prescribed form, and by the prescribed fee for the entry in the register, as required by subsection (5) of section 9, of the name of that person as the absolute owner thereof. ";
(b) in section 9 of that Act by the insertion, immediately after subsection (6) of that section, of the following new subsection: -
" (7) Within a period of fourteen days after the termination of a hire-purchase agreement in respect of a motor vehicle, the person who so let that vehicle shall forward to the Registrar a written application for the deletion from the entry in the register relating to that vehicle of the name of the absolute owner thereof entered under subsection (5). Such application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee for such deletion. ";
(c) in subsection (2) of section 13 of that Act, by the substitution, for the expression " prescribed form. ", of the expression " prescribed form and by the prescribed fee for the entry in the register, as required by subsection (4) of section 14, of the name of that person as the absolute owner thereof. ";
(d) in section 14 of that Act by the insertion, immediately after subsection (5) of that section, of the following new subsection: -
" (6) Within a period of fourteen days after the termination of a hire-purchase agreement in respect of a motor vehicle, the person who so let that vehicle shall forward to the Registrar a written application for the deletion from the entry in the register relating to that vehicle of the name of the absolute owner thereof entered under subsection (4). Such application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee for such deletion. "; and
(e) by the repeal of section 18 of that Act and the substitution therefor of the following new section: -
18. Where a motor vehicle which is registered has been permanently removed from Ceylon, or destroyed, or dismantled and broken up, or otherwise rendered permanently unserviceable, the Registrar shall cancel the registration of that vehicle upon the receipt of a written application in that behalf from the registered owner of that vehicle accompanied by the prescribed fee for such cancellation:

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