Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Finance Act (No. 5 of 2005) - Sect 10

Action in case of failure to pay levy

(1) Any stockbroker, stock dealer or custodian bank as the case may be, to whom the provisions of this part of this Act applies, who fails to pay the total amount of the Share Transaction Levy in terms of sections 7 and 8, shall be deemed to be a defaulter, and where such defaulter is a body corporate, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and every Director or principal officer of such body corporate shall be deemed to be a defaulter for the purposes of this Part of this Act, and such Levy as is riot paid on or before the due date shall be deemed to be a Levy in default.
(2) The defaulter shall be liable to pay a surcharge in addition to the Share Transaction Levy in default, calculated-
(a) at the rate of ten per centum of the amount of such levy as is in default for the each subsequent period of one month or part thereof, from the due date for the payment of the Levy under section 8 ; and
(b) at the rate of two per centum of the amount of such Levy as is in default for each subsequent period of one month or part thereof, from the due date for the payment specified in paragraph(a)
(3) The Commissioner-General shall take action to recover the Share Transaction Levy or such part of the Levy which is in default for a period of more than three months and the amount of the surcharge accrued thereon, in the manner as is specified hereafter.
(4) The Commissioner-General shall cause to be issued on the defaulter, three weeks prior to the taking of any steps for the recovery of the Share Transaction Levy in default along with the amount of the surcharge accrued thereon, a Notice, informing the defaulter of the intention of the Commissioner-General to institute proceedings for the recovery of the amount of the Share Transaction Levy in default and the amount of the surcharge accrued thereon in terms of the provisions of this section.
(5) Where the Commissioner-General issues Notice on the defaulter in terms of subsection (4) but the amount of the Share Transaction Levy in default and the amount of the surcharge accrued thereon remains unpaid even though the period of three weeks specified in such Notice has elapsed, the Commissioner-General shall issue to the Magistrate having jurisdiction over the division in which the defaulter resides or is carrying on business, a Certificate containing the name and address of the defaulter and the total sum in default along with a statement to the effect that the person so named has defaulted in making the payment as required by this section, Where the defaulter is a body corporate, the Certificate shall contain the name of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and of every Director or principal officer of such body corporate.
(6) The Magistrate shall on receipt of the Certificate issued under subsection (5), issue summons on the defaulter requiring him to appear before him on a date to be specified and show cause as to why proceedings should not be taken against him for the recovery of the amount of the Share Transaction Levy or such part of the Levy which is in default and the surcharge accrued thereon. Where the cause shown appears to the Magistrate to be insufficient so as to explain the reason for the non-payment, the Magistrate shall after recording the same, make order for the recovery of the amount of the Share Transaction Levy in default and the amount of the surcharge accrued thereon, from the defaulter as if it were a fine imposed by the Magistrate. The money so recovered shall be remitted to the Commissioner-General, who shall credit the same to the Consolidated Fund.

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