Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Finance and Ceylon State Mortgage Bank (Amendment Act (No. 16 of 1973) - Sect 4

Insertion of new section 72a in the principal enactment

4. The following new section is hereby inserted immediately after section 72, and shall have effect as section 72A, of the principal enactment: -
(1) Notwithstanding that any premises have vested in the Bank by virtue of a vesting Order, the Minister may at any time by a subsequent Order published in the Gazette (hereafter in this section referred to as a " divesting Order ") revoke that vesting Order.
(2) The following provisions shall apply in any case where a vesting Order in respect of any premises is revoked by a divesting Order: -
(a) such premises shall be deemed never to have vested in the Bank by virtue of that vesting Order and any question which might arise as to any right, title or interest in or over such premises shall be determined accordingly; and
(b) all claims under this Part of this Act to the compensation payable in respect of such premises, and all proceedings taken under this Part of this Act in regard to such claims, before that vesting Order was revoked shall be deemed to be null and void.
(3) The preceding provisions of this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything in any other provisions of this Act or in any other written law."

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