Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Foreign Exchange Amnesty (Amendment) Law (No. 13 of 1974) - Sect 2

Insertion of new section 7A in Act No. 1 of 1971

2. The following section is hereby inserted immediately after section 7, and shall have effect as section 7a, of the Foreign Exchange Amnesty Act, No. 1 of 1971, hereafter in this Law referred to as the" principal enactment" :-
7A. Where any person to whom this Act applies who has made a declaration of his foreign assets to the competent authority but who has not complied with the relevant directions issued to that person by such authority is prosecuted for any contravention of the provisions of the law for the time being in force relating to exchange control, such declaration and any other documents or any oral or written statement made or given by such person to such authority, shall be admissible in evidence, notwithstanding the provisions of section 5, or that such provisions may or may not have induced such person to make such declaration and notwithstanding anything in any other written law to the contrary.".

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