Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Foreign Exchange Entitlement Certificates Act (No. 28 of 1968) - Sect 19


19. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- " approved acceptor " means a person authorized by the Controller of Exchange to accept foreign exchange; " authorized dealer " means a commercial bank for the time being authorized under section 4 of the Exchange Control Act; " Central Bank " means the Central Bank of Ceylon established under the Monetary Law Act; " Certificate " means a foreign exchange entitlement Certificate; " Chief Accountant of the Central Bank " includes the person for the time being acting as the Chief Accountant of the Central Bank; " commercial bank " has the same meaning as in section 127 (1) of the Monetary Law Act; " foreign exchange entitlement Certificate " means a foreign exchange entitlement Certificate issued by, or for and on behalf of the Central Bank under this Act, and which authorizes the holder of such Certificate, upon the surrender thereof during the period of its validity to any authorized dealer, to purchase foreign exchange for such purposes, and subject to such terms, as may be approved by the Government from time to time and notified in the Gazette; "Governor " means the Governor of the Central Bank, and includes the Deputy Governor for the time being acting as the chief executive officer of that Bank; " terms " includes conditions; " this Act " includes any directions issued thereunder; " valid Certificate " means a Certificate which is for the time being valid.

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