| (1) Every gas receiver shall -
| | | (a) have marked upon it so as to be plainly visible the safe working pressure ; |
| (b) in the case of a receiver connected with a compressing plant. either be so constructed as to withstand with safety the maximum pressure which can be obtained in the compressor. or be fitted with a suitable reducing valve or other suitable appliance to prevent the safe working pressure of the receive being exceeded; |
| (c) be fitted with a suitable safety valve so adjusted as to permit the gas to escape as soon as the safe working pressure is exceeded; |
| (d) be fitted with a correct pressure gauge indicating the pressure in the receiver in pounds per square inch; |
| (e) be fitted with a suitable appliance for draining the receiver; and |
| (f) be provided with a suitable manhole, handhole, or other means which will allow the interior to be thoroughly cleaned. |
| (2)
| | | (a) In any case where, owing to the nature of the process or the action of the contents of any gas receiver, a pressure gauge or salty valve or both cannot be expected to work reliably, there may be installed, with the permission of the Chief Factory Inspecting Engineer and subject to compliance with paragraph (b) of this subsection, a tested and reliably working thermometer capable of recording a high degree of temperature on which there shall be clearly marked the maximum permissible temperature in the receiver. |
| (b) Where by reason of the technical processes in the receiver it is necessary to replace the safety valve by a thermometer, the receiver shall be equipped with a safety plug which will burst when the pressure rises by not more than twenty-five per centum above the authorized pressure. Where for any technical reason it is not possible to install such plug, there may be installed on one of the appliances (pressure gauge or thermometer) a suitable signalling device that will begin to function when the pressure or temperature rises above the safe limit. Such signalling device shall be so constructed as to avoid the possibility of an explosion in the factory premises due to sparking in an explosive atmosphere or other such causes. |
| (3) In any case where explosive or poisonous gases may be introduced into or may form in the receiver, the irruption of such gases into workplaces shall be reliably prevented such as by means of pipes leading to the outside of the factory premises from safety valves and plugs or other devices. Before poisonous gases are allowed to escape outside the factory premises they shall be rendered harm less by a suitable filter or other device. | | |
| (4) On every vessel which is capable of being opened there shall be a reliable working device by means of which, the pressure in the vessel will be reduced to atmospheric pressure before the vessel is opened. | | |
| (5) The fittings of vessels installed outside any premises shall be protected, against atmospheric influences. | | |
| (6) Every receiver containing a liquified gas under pressure or a poisonous gas shall be protected against foreign, sources of heat. | | |
| (7) Where more than, one receiver is in use in any factory, every receiver shall bear a distinguishing mark which shall be easily visible. | | |
| (8) For the purpose of the preceding provisions of this section relating to safety valve and pressure, gauges, any set of gas receivers supplied with gas through a single pipe may be treated as one receiver: | | |
| (9) Every gas receiver and its fittings shall be of sound construction properly maintained. | | |
| (10) Every gas receiver and its fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned and examined at least once in every period of twelve months : | | |
| (11) If the person employed to make any such examination fails to make a thorough examination, required by this section or makes a report which is false or deficient in any material particular or if the chief engineer of any gas receiver inspecting company or association permits any such report to be made, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees. | | |
| (12) The Minister may by regulations provided for additional safety measures to be taken in respect of different gases. | | |
| (13) In this section the expression " gas receivers " means -
| | | (a) any vessel (other than a pipe or coil, or an accessory, fitting or part of a compressor) for containing a compressed gas and connected with a compressing plant; or |
| (b) any vessel for containing compressed, liquified or dissolved gases. |