Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 40

Power of court to confiscate timber, forest produce, &c. [ 4, 30 of 1945.] [ 12, 13 of 1966.]

40. When any person is convicted of a forest offence, all timber or forest produce which is not the property of the Crown in respect of which such offence has been committed, and all tools, boats, carts, cattle, and motor vehicles used in committing such offence, shall, in addition to any other punishment prescribed for such offence, be confiscated by order of the convicting Magistrate : Provided that in any case where the owner of such tools, boats, carts, cattle or motor vehicles is a third party, no order of confiscation shall be made if such owner proves to the satisfaction of the court that he had used all precautions to prevent the use of such tools, boats, carts, cattle or motor vehicles, as the case may be, for the commission of the offence.

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