Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 47

Penalty for counterfeiting or defacing marks on trees and timber, and for altering boundary-marks. [ 15, 13 of 1966.]

47. Whoever, with intent to cause damage or injury to the public or to any person, or to cause wrongful gain as defined in the Penal Code-
(a) unlawfully affixes to any timber or standing tree a mark used by forest officers ; or
(b) alters, defaces or obliterates any such mark placed on any timber or standing tree by or under the authority of a forest officer ; or
(c) alters, moves, destroys, or defaces any boundary mark of any forest to which any provisions of this Ordinance apply,
shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or to fine, or to both.

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