Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 52

Compounding of offences. [ 17, 13 of 1966.]

(1) Any forest officer empowered by the Minister in that behalf may accept from any person reasonably suspected of having committed any forest offence other than an offence under sections 46, 47 or 48A, a sum of money by way of compensation for the offence which may have been committed.
(2) In any case where compensation is accepted under subsection (1) -
(a) if any property has been seized and such property does not belong to the Crown, such property shall be released to the offender ;
(b) if any property which belongs to the Crown has been seized, the officer compounding the offence may accept a further sum of money as being the estimated value of the property so seized and release the property to the offender ; and
(c) if the offender is in custody, he shall forthwith be discharged and no further proceedings shall be taken against such person or property.

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