Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 54

Offences to be triable summarily. [ 18, 13 of 1966.]

53. Any forest offence under this Ordinance shall be triable by a Magistrate's Court, and the Magistrate shall have power to inflict the full penalty prescribed for the offence, notwithstanding any limitation of his ordinary jurisdiction contained in the Criminal Procedure Code: Provided that a Magistrate may, in any case in which he thinks such a course is expedient, order that the proceedings shall be non-summary, and in any such case he shall proceed under Chapter XVI of the Criminal Procedure Code, and the District Judge shall have jurisdiction to try the offence, and shall have power to inflict the full penalty prescribed for the offence, notwithstanding any limitation of his ordinary jurisdiction, contained in the Criminal Procedure Code.

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