Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 59

Power to shoot cattle on forest plantation

57. If it shall be shown to the satisfaction of any Government Agent that cattle are in the habit of trespassing on any forest plantation situated wholly or in part within his district and cannot be seized, it shall be lawful for him to authorize, by licence in writing under his hand, some fit person or persons to proceed to such plantation, and if after reasonable exertion such person shall find it impracticable to seize such animals, to shoot or otherwise destroy the same, or cause the same to be shot or otherwise destroyed in his presence, and this notwithstanding that in the endeavour to seize such animals they may have been driven off such plantation : Provided that such licence shall not be subject to any stamp duty, and shall not be in force for more than one month from the date thereof.

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