Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 69

Persons bound to assist forest officer and police officer

67. Every person who exercises any right in a reserved forest or a village forest, or who is permitted to take any forest produce from or to cut and remove timber, or to pasture cattle, or to carry on chena cultivation in, such forest, and
(i) every person who is employed by any such person in such forest; and
(ii) every person in any village contiguous to such forest who is employed by the Crown, or who receives emoluments from the Crown for services to be performed to the community,
shall be bound to furnish without unnecessary delay to the nearest forest officer, police officer, or headman any information he may possess respecting the occurrence of a fire in or near such forest, or the commission of, or intention to commit, any forest offence ; and shall assist any forest officer, police officer or headman demanding his aid-
(a) in extinguishing any fire occurring in such forest;
(b) in preventing any fire which may occur in the vicinity of such forest from spreading to such forest;
(c) in preventing the commission in such forest of any forest offence ; and
(d) when there is reason to believe that any such offence has been committed in such forest, in discovering and arresting the offender.

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