Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Fisheries (Amendment) Law (No. 46 of 1973) - Sect 4

Retrospective affect of amendments made in principal enactment and validation of appointments made, &c

4. The amendments matte in the principal enactment by this Law shall be deemed for all purposes to have come into force on the date on which that enactment came into force, and accordingly-
(a) the appointment, prior to the date of commencement of this Law, of every person, by name or by office, to be or to act as a Deputy Director of Fisheries shall, at all times, be deemed to be and to have been validly made under the principal enactment as amended by section 2 of this Law; and
(b) the exercise, discharge and performance, prior to the date of commencement of this Law, by any such person appointed as a Deputy Director of Fisheries, of the powers, duties and functions conferred and imposed on and assigned to the Director of Fisheries by or under the principal enactment shall, at all times, be deemed to be and to have been validly exercised, discharged and performed by or under that enactment.

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