Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act (No. 3 of 2003) - Sect 13

Final Budget Position Report

(1) The Minister shall cause to he released to the public, in respect of each financial year, a Final Budget Position Report, not later than five months from the end of the financial year.
(2) The Minister shall
(a) if Parliament is sitting on the dale of the release of the Final Budget Position Report, cause a copy of such Report to be tabled in Parliament within two weeks of the date of such release ; or
(b) if Parliament is not silting on the date of the release of the Final Budget Position Report. cause a copy of such Report to be tabled in Parliament within two weeks of the next sitting of Parliament.
(3) The Final Budget Position Report for a financial year may be incorporated with the Budget Economic and fiscal Position Report in respect of a financial year, which is introduced alter the commencement of that financial year.

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