Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act (No. 3 of 2003) - Sect 26

Departure from the provisions of this Act

(1) The Government may in exceptional circumstances, with the approval of Parliament granted by way of a Resolution of Parliament and for such period as may be specified in such Resolution, depart from the requirements of this Act.
(2) The Minister shall in every instance where a departure from the requirements of this Act is made, inform Parliament of
(a) the reasons for such departure ;
(b) the steps that the Government will be taking to overcome the causes necessitating such departure ;
(c) the period of time within which the Government expects such departure from the requirements, to come to an end.
(3) The Minister shall in every instance where a departure is made-
(a) if Parliament is sitting on the date when such departure is necessitated, inform Parliament within two weeks of the date of the departure of the matters specified in subsection (2) relating to such departure; or
(b) if Parliament is not sitting on the date of such departure, take steps to ensure that Parliament is informed within two weeks of the next sitting of Parliament of the matters specified in subsection(2) in relation to such departure.

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