Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Galle Municipal Staffs Benevolent Association (Incorporation) Act (No. 23 of 1970) - Sect 41

Payment of Death Donations and Retiring Allowance

(1) Every member on his retirement, resignation or dismissal from the Galle Municipal Service or the Local Government Service, after having regularly subscribed for twenty-four months shall be entitled to receive a Death Donation and Retiring Allowance calculated at the rates set out in the Schedule hereto. In the event of a member dying while in such service after having continuously subscribed for twenty-four months, the Death Donation and Retiring Allowance shall be paid to his nominee or nominees, or his legal heirs or dependants. The amount of any donation, so paid may be recovered equally from every member in such sums not exceeding five rupees per month.
(2) During the first twelve months of enrolment, no member shall be called upon to pay any contributions towards the Death Donation and Retiring Allowance Scheme.
(3) Any member who has completed ten years of continuous membership in the Corporation, shall, at the time of retirement from the Galle Municipal Service or the Local Government Service, be entitled to receive five years added to his membership for the purpose of calculating the Death Donation and Retiring Allowance.
(4) The contributions of any member towards the Death Donation and Retiring Allowance Scheme, shall cease on the completion of twenty-one years of membership of the Corporation.
(5) No member shall be paid such Donation and Retiring Allowance if he voluntarily resigns from the Corporation unless he has been re-enrolled.

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