Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Government Officers' Benefit Association (Incorporation) Act (No. 27 of 1971) - Sect 5

Powers of Committee of Management

5. The Committee of Management shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and of any rules made as hereinafter provided, have full power and authority generally to govern, direct, and decide all matters whatsoever connected with- Provided that the Committee of Management shall not exercise any powers which are by this Act or by any rules declared to be exercisable by the Corporation in general meeting:
(a) the appointment and dismissal of officers, agents, and servants of the Corporation;
(b) the administration of the affairs of the Corporation; and
(c) the accomplishment of the objects thereof of the Corporation:
Provided further that no rule made by the Corporation in general meeting shall invalidate any prior act of the Committee of Management which would have been valid if such rule had not been made.

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