Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Homoeopathy Act (No. 7 of 1970) - Sect 27

Qualifications for registration as homoeopathic practitioners

(1) No person shall be entitled to be registered as a homoeopathic practitioner, unless he
(a) possesses such academic qualification or qualifications obtained after following a course of study for not less than four years in a homoeopathic institution as would entitle him to be granted registration as a homoeopathic practitioner in India or Pakistan; or
(b) is the holder of a diploma or degree granted by a recognized homoeopathic institution in Ceylon or abroad; or
(c) satisfies the Council that he has practised homoeopathy for a period of not less than ten years, and satisfies a Board nominated for the purpose by the Minister that he possesses sufficient knowledge, experience and skill for the efficient practice of homoeopathy.
(2) The Council may grant registration as a homoeopathic practitioner to any person who satisfies the Council that he has practised homoeopathy for a period of not less than three years if he passes a written examination conducted for the purpose by the Council.
(3) The Council may grant provisional registration as a homoeopathic practitioner to any person
(a) who satisfies the Council that he has practised homoeopathy for a period of not less than ten years, but fails to satisfy the Board nominated by the Minister under paragraph (c) of sub-section (1) in respect of his knowledge, experience and skill; or
(b) who satisfies the Council that he has practised homoeopathy for a period of not less than five years; or
(c) who has passed any such examination held in Ceylon as is recognized by the Council for eligibility to sit for the written examination conducted by the Council, if he satisfies the Council that -
(i) he has practised homoeopathy for a period of not less than two years; and
(ii) he possesses sufficient knowledge of homoeopathy for the grant of provisional registration.
(4) Where any person is granted provisional registration as a homoeopathic practitioner under subsection (3), his name shall be entered in the provisional register maintained under section 25.
(5) Where any person who has been granted provisional registration as a homoeopathic practitioner under sub-section (3), passes, within a period of five years from the date of such registration, a written examination conducted by the Council for the purpose, he shall be granted registration as a homoeopathic practitioner and his name shall be transferred from the provisional register to the general register.
(6) Where any person who has been granted provisional registration as a homoeopathic practitioner under sub-section (3), fails to pass the examination referred to in sub section (5) within the period referred to therein, the provisional registration granted to him shall be cancelled and his name removed from the provisional register.
(7) Notwithstanding anything in the other provisions of this Act, the persons specified in the Schedule to this Act shall, for all purposes of this Act, be deemed to be registered as homoeopathic practitioners under this Act.

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