Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Housing and Town Improvement (Amendment) Act (No. 38 of 1980) - Sect 5

Amendment of the schedule to the principal enactment

5.The Schedule to the principal enactment, as amended by Act No. 39 of 1979, is hereby further amended as follows:
(1) in the proviso to rule 1-
(i) by the omission of sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) thereof; and
(ii) by the re-lettering of sub-paragraphs (e) and (f) thereof, as sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of that proviso ;
(2) in rule 2
(i) by the substitution, for paragraph (1) thereof, of the following new paragraph:
" (1) Subject to any local by-laws requiring the reservation of a larger area in special localities, the total area covered by all the buildings (including verandahs, but excluding the structures mentioned in the next paragraph) on any site used for
(ii) by the omission of paragraph (2) thereof;
(iii) by the substitution, for paragraph (3) thereof, of the following new paragraph :
" (3) No projection shall be constructed over any part of the area so reserved, other than eaves sunshades which may project to an extent of 4 feet." ;
(iv) by the substitution, for paragraph (5) thereof, of the following new paragraph :
" (5) The local authority, subject to the approval of the Minister and any Board of Improvement Commissioners for the purpose of any improvement scheme, may exempt any area predominantly occupied by commercial buildings within the administrative limits of any Municipality from the operation of this rule in respect of any class of building on the ground of the high site value obtaining in any such area or other special cause." ; and
(v) by the omission of paragraph (6) thereof ;
(3) in rule 3, by the substitution, for sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) thereof, of the following new sub paragraphs :-
(b) where the residential building has only one habitable room, the floor area of such room must not. be less than 120 square feet, and where the residential building has more than one such room, every additional room shall not be less than 90 square feet;
(c) at least one side must be an external wall abutting on. the open area to an extent of not less than two-thirds of the total length of the wall ; " ;
(4) in rule 4, by the substitution, for the word " window ' of the words " window or door " ;
(5) in rule 5, by the substitution, for paragraphs (1) and (2) thereof, of the following new paragraphs :
" (1) Subject to any local by-laws requiring the reservation of a larger area in special localities, there must be in the rear of every residential building, an open space of not less than 7 1/2 feet in depth . throughout extending along the entire width of the building. Such open space must belong exclusively to the building, unless the rear of the building abuts upon a public street or lane of not less than 20 feet in width which is dedicated to public use provided that this shall not apply to existing public streets, less than 20 feet in width. Where such space of 7 1/2 feet is not possible, the local authority may allow any average of 7 1/2 feet taken along the full length of the rear of the building, provided the minimum width from any point of the boundary is not less than 3 feet.
(2) The height at the rear should not exceed the height laid down in rule 1." ;
(6) by the rescission of rules 6 and 7 thereof :
(7) in rule 8
(i) by the substitution, for paragraph (1) thereof, of the following new paragraph:
" (1) Every new street intended for carriage traffic which is defined or approved by a local authority or a Board of Improvement Commissioners shall be of not less than 40 feet in width:
(ii) by the substitution, for paragraph (3) thereof., of the following new paragraph :
" (3) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prevent a local authority or a Board of Improvement Commissioners from defining or approving a street intended for foot traffic y, of not less than 15 feet in width." ; and
(8) by the addition, immediately after rule 8 thereof, of the following new rules :
"9. In any declared commercial area situated within a Municipal Council, space for vehicular parking should be provided on the basis of one parking space for every 1000 square feet of commercial floor area:
(1) No house or flat shall be constructed on any land which is in extent less than such minimum extent as may be determined by the Chairman.
(2) The number of flats to be so constructed shall not exceed such number as may be determined by the Chairman having regard to the extent of the land, access and other relevant details.".

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