Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Housing Development Finance Corporation of Sri Lanka Act (No. 7 of 1997) - Sect 4

Qualifications to be a director

(1) No person shall be qualified to be elected as a director under subsection (4) of section 3 unless -
(a) he has ; or
(b) he is the director or officer of a body corporate which has,
(2) A person shall be disqualified from being nominated, appointed or elected, as a director or continuing in office as a director if-
(a) he is, or becomes a Member of Parliament, a member of a Provincial Council or a member of a local authority ;
(b) he is, or becomes, an officer or servant of the Corporation ;
(c) he, being a person who has been declared an insolvent or bankrupt under any law in force in Sri Lanka or in any other country, is an undischarged insolvent or bankrupt;
(d) he is found or declared to be, of unsound mind under any law in force in Sri Lanka or in any other country;
(e) he has served, or is serving, a sentence of imprisonment, imposed by a Court in Sri Lanka or any other country.

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