Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Information And Communication Technology Act (No. 27 of 2003) - Sect 6

The information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka to assist Task Force and Committee

(1) The Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (registered under the Companies Act, No. 17 of 1982) shall be the Executive Agency to assist the Task Force and the Committee.
(2) In addition to the powers and functions of the Agency as set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the Agency shall have the following powers and functions :
(a) to provide all information necessary for the formulation of the National Policy on Information and Communication Technology and assist the Cabinet of Ministers and the Committee ;
(b) to submit proposals to be included in the National Policy and action plan ;
(c) to take all such steps as are necessary to facilitate the implementation of the National Policy and the action plans as are formulated, and to periodically monitor and review the same ;
(d) to prepare the strategy and programmes which needs to be implemented in both the government and the private sectors in keeping with the National Policy on Information and Communication Technology and the action plan ;
(e) to provide all information necessary for the formation of the National Policy on Information Technology ;
(f) to recommend to the Task Force, matters which need to be taken into consideration in the preparation of the action plan ;
(g) to submit proposals in respect of matters which needs to be included in the National Policy and action plan ; and
(h) to prepare the strategies and programmes which need to be implemented in both the government sector and the private sector in keeping with the National Policy on Information and Communication Technology and the action plan.

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