Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Jaffna Divine Lift Society (Incorporation) Act (No. 7 of 1983) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be
(a) to disseminate spiritual knowledge
(i) by publishing books, pamphlets, magazines and other periodicals;
(ii) by conducting religious discourses, conferences, seminars and retreats;
(iii) by establishing centers or branch societies for Yogi physical training and moral and spiritual Sadhanas to enable participants to achieve spiritual regeneration through Pooja. Worship, Bhakthi, Gnana, Karma and Haths Yoga with systematic training in Asanas, Pranayama and other activities;
(iv) by spreading the Sanathana Dharma teachings of Rishis, Saints, Prophets and Yogis;
(v) by opening and maintaining libraries and reading rooms;
(vi) by practicing service, love, giving, purification, meditation and realization;
(b) to establish, maintain or provide assistance to religious schools, hostels, boarding houses, orphanages and madams;
(c) to promote universal brotherhood, irrespective of caste, creed, race or religion ;
(d) to render selfless service to the Mahatmas and Bhakdhas, the sick and poor ;
(e) to establish and maintain homes for the aged, destitute persons and orphans ; and
(f) to do all such acts as may be deemed necessary and conducive to the spiritual advancement of mankind.

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