Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Jaffna Divine Lift Society (Incorporation) Act (No. 7 of 1983) - Sect 5

Executive Committee

(1) The affairs of the Corporation shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of
(a) the office-bearers comprising the President, the five Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Assistant Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, and the Honorary Assistant Treasurer; and
(b) twenty other members, to be elected in accordance with the rules for the time being in force of the Corporation ; and
(c) the Honorary Patrons, ex officio.
(2) The first Executive Committee of the Corporation shall be the members of the Executive Committee of the Society holding office at the time of the coming into operation of this Act.
(3) The first Executive Committee shall include the following office-bearers :
(1) Mr. Sinnadurai KanagaratnamHonorary President,
(2) Mrs. Kamalasani SoorasangaranVice-President,
(3) Mr. Kandiah KanagarajahVice-President,
(4) Miss Ramapillai SivamalarVice-President,
(5) Dr. K. SivagnanratnamVice-Persident,
(6) Mr. Elayathamby VaithialingamSecretary,
(7) Mrs. Gnanasoundary KanagalingamTreasurer.

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