Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Janawasa Law (No. 25 of 1976) - Sect 16

Registration of members and exercise of rights by members

(1) No person shall be registered as a member of a Janawasa unless -
(a) he is a citizen of Sri Lanka ;
(b) he has attained eighteen years of age; and
(c) in the case of a society having the objects set out in paragraph (a) of section 9, he has entered into an agreement to work in accordance with the principles of this Law and subject to such conditions as may be determined by the Janawasa Commission.
(2) No member of a Janawasa shall exercise the rights of a member unless and until he has made such payments to the Janawasa in respect of his membership or acquired such interest in the Janawasa as may be prescribed by by-laws.

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