Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Janawasa Law (No. 25 of 1976) - Sect 30

Dissolution of Janawasas

(1) If the Janawasa Commission -
(a) after an inquiry under section 28,
(b) on receipt of an application made by three-fourths of a Janawasa and after giving an opportunity to such Janawasa to state their objections,
(2) Any member of a Janawasa may, within two months from the date of an order under subsection (1), appeal from such order to the Minister.
(3) Where no appeal is presented within two months from the making of an order canceling the registration of a Janawasa, the order shall take effect on the expiry of that period. Where an appeal is presented within the two months, the order shall not take effect until it is confirmed.
(4) Where the Janawasa Commission cancels the registration of a Janawasa under subsection (1), it may appoint one or more persons to be in charge of the books, documents and other property of the Janawasa and to manage the affairs of the Janawasa until the order canceling the registration of the Janawasa takes effect, or until such order is reversed in appeal by the Minister.
(5) On the appointment of such person or persons the Council of the Janawasa or any other person in charge of the books, documents and other property of the Janawasa shall hand over such books, documents or property to the first-mentioned person or persons and such Council shall, until the order canceling the registration takes effect or until such order is reversed in appeal by the Minister, cease to function.

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