Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Janawasa Law (No. 25 of 1976) - Sect 48


(1) The Commission may make by-laws providing for the powers and functions that may be exercised and discharged by a Janawasa for the management of its affairs, and in particular-
(a) the conditions to be complied with by persons applying to be members of a Janawasa;
(b) the accounts and hooks to be maintained by a Janawasa;
(c) the returns to be submitted to the Commission by a Janawasa;
(d) the objects for which the reserve fund may be applied;
(e) the declaration and distribution of dividends to members ;
(f) the audit of annual accounts of the Federation;
(g) all matters relating to the liquidation of a Janawasa, including, the powers of a liquidator, the powers of the Commission to exercise control over a liquidator, the directions that the Commission may give a liquidator, the procedure to be followed in liquidation proceedings, the order of preference in which distribution of assets may be made and the closure of liquidation;
(h) generally to facilitate the regulation and super-vision of Janawasas; and
(i) in respect of matters for which by-laws are required or authorized to be made.
(2) All by-laws of janawasa societies deemed under section 6 to be Janawasas registered under this Law and continued in force under that section may be amended, varied, added to or rescinded under this Law in like manner as by-laws made under this section.

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