Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Jayatissa Wijesinghe Memorial Educational, Cultural And Social Services Foundation (Incorporation) Act (No. 55 of 1993) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be
(1) to promote social development activities by granting financial, medical and other relief to the orphans, the sick and the needy;
(2) to establish and maintain orphanages, Homes for the Aged and Social Welfare Centres, for the upliftment of disabled persons;
(3) to promote education, by establishing and maintaining Schools, Hostels and other Institutions for the benefit of students, and to help them financially or otherwise;
(4) to conduct vocational training courses for the youths in Sri Lanka;
(5) to grant scholarships or bursaries to volunteers and the members of the Corporation, engaged in achieving the objects of the Corporation;
(6) to promote, arrange, organise and hold exhibitions lectures, seminars, symposia, workshops, classes, debates, conferences, tours and excursions;
(7) to establish and maintain libraries, to subscribe for and issue, books, journals, sourvenirs and periodicals ;
(8) to foster and promote, the traditional Ruhunu, Kandyan and Sabaragamuwa dancing techniques of Sri Lanka;
(9) to establish a school for the teaching of dancing techniques to the younger generation ;
(10) to protect and promote, the folk music, games, customs and manners, unique to Ruhuna and to educate the general public on the same ;
(11) to establish cultural contacts with international cultural organisations for the propagation of the national arts of Sri Lanka ;
(12) to exchange views on culture and art with foreign organisations ;
(13) to affiliate with other associations for the promotion of arts in Sri Lanka ;
(14) to create an awareness among youth, of the cultural values of Sri Lanka ;
(15) to collaborate with any other institution or organization, whether foreign or local, having objects similar to those of the Corporation ;
(16) to foster and promote education by establishing and maintaining schools, Buddhist Dhamma Schools, Pirivenas and institutions for child education and by granting scholarships ;
(17) to establish and maintain a department for oriental languages;
(18) to establish and maintain a department for inter- national languages such as English and French ;
(19) to preserve and disseminate the Buddhist Philosophy and the Buddhist way of life;
(20) to establish and maintain Jayatissa Wijesinghe Buddhist Centre;
(21) to engage in the dissemination of Buddhism internationally ;
(22) to establish friendly relations with other Buddhist organisations in Sri Lanka and abroad ;
(23) to train students in small industries and to help them financially or otherwise to establish themselves as useful citizens;
(24) to afford children in indigent circumstances an opportunity to prepare for, to enter upon or to be engaged in a trade, occupation or service and to provide them with outfits, education or other amenities;
(25) to provide bursaries, scholarships, prizes, donations, financial assistance and other forms of assistance for the purpose of promoting, spreading and propagating the education and knowledge and to establish school libraries and cultural centres ;
(26) to engage with a view to imparting technical expertise to the people in any industry, vocational or import and export business and to promote and to carry on agricultural and industrial enterprises, to aid and assist any person to carry on such enterprises, to maintain training programmes in respect of such enterprises and to organise services and propaganda work;
(27) to organise programmes for the study of Ayurvedic and indigenous medicine and to organize services and propaganda activities;
(28) to act as an affiliated institution or a representative of any local or foreign technical or professional training institute carrying on educational activities ;
(29) to conduct the annual commemoration festivities unto the sacred memory of the late Mr. Jayatissa Wijesinghe and of his brothers Messrs Nandias Wijesinghe and Francis Wijesinghe, all of Nasnagamaruppa, Getamanna ;
(30) to award of prizes and educational scholarships to children of less affluent families, studying in several schools such as D. S. Senanayake Vidyalaya, Colombo and Thurstan College, Colombo, Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda, Rahula Vidyalaya, Matara, Kambussawela Vidyalaya, Beliatta and Getamanna Vijaya Maha Vidyalaya, Gatamanna including the Sri Lanka Law College and the Universities of Sri Lanka;
(31) to promote the religious, cultural, educational economic resurgence and social revival of the village community ;
(32) to assist in the conservation of forests and water resources and in the preservation of ancient arts and crafts ;
(33) to revive small industries which are carried on by the villagers and for this purpose, to establish and maintain model projects.
(34) to do such other things as are or may be necessary, conducive or incidental to the attainment of the objects of the Corporation.

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