Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Act (No. 25 of 1990) - Sect 9

Amendment of section 47 of the principal enactment

9. Section 47 of the principal enactment, as amended by Act No. 24 of 1987, is hereby further amended in paragraph (a) of that section by the substitution for the words from " placed in serial order," to the end of that paragraph, of the words '" placed in one or more rows in serial order, as is equal to the number of members to be elected to the local authority increased by six or by one-third of such number of members whichever is less, with provision to mark three preferences and such preferences shall be marked on one or more of the cages enclosing a serial number or on any one or more of the blank cages appearing on the right hand side of a cage enclosing a serial number, ".

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