Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Land Development (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1969) - Sect 2

Amendment of section 2 of Chapter 404

2. Section 2 of the Land Development Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as the " principal enactment ", hereby amended as follows:-
(a) by the insertion, immediately before the definition of " alienation ", of the following new definition:-
(b) by the insertion, immediately after the definition of " alienation ", of the following new definitions:-
(c) by the omission of the definitions of " Ceylonese " and " condition of owner ship ";
(d) by the insertion, immediately after the definition of "disposition ", of the following new definition: -
(e) by the omission of the definition of " middle class Ceylonese " ;
(f) by the insertion, immediately after the definition of " peace officer ", of the following new definition: -
(g) in the definition of " permit-holder " by the substitution, for the words " been issued;' of the words " been issued and includes person who is in occupation of any land alienated to him on a permit although in permit has actually been issued to him;"
(h) by the omission of the definitions of " protected holding " and "unprotected holding "; and
(i) by the insertion, immediately before the definition of " regulation ", of the following new definition: -

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