Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Land Development (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1969) - Sect 63

Amendment of section 128 of the principal enactment

63. Section 128 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows:-
(a) by the renumbering of that section as sub- section (1) of section 128;
(b) in renumbered sub-section (1) by the substitution, for the words " Crown land after the cancellation of the permit whereby such land was alienated. ", of the following: -
(c) by the addition at the end of that section of the following new sub-section:-
" (2) At any inquiry by a Magistrate into cause shown against the issue of an order of ejectment from a land alienated on a permit, it shall not be open to the permit-holder or any other person claiming title to such land through or under the permit-holder to assert or prove-
(a) that such land does not belong to the Crown, or
(b) if the permit was cancelled, that such cancellation should not have been made.".

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