Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Land Development (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1969) - Sect 70

Amendment of section 141 of the principal enactment

70. Section 141 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows:-
(a) by the substitution, for sub-section (1) of that section, of the following sub-section:-
" (1) A seizure of a land referred to in section 140 shall be effected by serving upon the permit-holder to whom that land was alienated a notice substantially in the prescribed form and by affixing a copy of such notice in a conspicuous position on such land. A copy of such notice may also be served on any other person interested in the land or affected by the seizure thereof.";
(b) in sub-section (2) of that section-
(i) by the substitution, for the words " the owner of a holding ", of the words " a permit-holder ", and
(ii) by the substitution, for the words " that owner ", wherever those words occur collectively in that sub-section, of the words " that permit-holder ''; and
(c) in sub-section (3) of that section, by the substitution, for the words " No holding shall be seized if the defaulting owner thereof ", of the words " No land shall be seized If the defaulting permit-holder to whom that land was alienated ".

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