Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Land Development (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1969) - Sect 72

Replacement of section 143 of the principal enactment

72. Section 143 of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following section is substituted therefor :-
(1) The seizure of a land under section 142 shall operate as a cancellation of the permit under which such land was alienated, and the permit- holder to whom such land was alienated shall have no claim whatsoever to such land but such permit-holder shall, if he pays within a period of one year from the date of the seizure of the land the total amount due in respect of such land together with the costs of seizure, be entitled to be placed in possession of such land on the same terms and conditions on which the land was held by such permit-holder on the date of the seizure.
(2) The right referred to in sub-section (1) may be given effect to upon an endorsement substantially in the pres cribbed form made by the Government Agent on the permit relating to such land. Every such endorsement shall be registered.".

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