Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Land Development (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1969) - Sect 88

Amendment of the Third Schedule to the principal enactment

88. The Third Schedule to the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows: -
(a) in rule 1 of that Schedule, by the substitution for all the words from " Where, on the death of the owner," to " more relatives than one in any group.", of the following: -
" (a) The groups of relatives from which a successor may be nominated for the purposes of section 51 shall be as set out in the subjoined table.
(b) Title to a holding for the purposes of section 72 shall devolve on one only of the relatives of the permit-holder or owner in the order of priority in which they are respectively mentioned in the subjoined table, the older being preferred to the younger where there are more relatives than one in any group."; and
(b) by the repeal of rules 3 and 5.

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