Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Land Reform (Special Provisions) Act (No. 14 of 1986) - Sect 14

Validation of certain orders made by the Minister under section 13 (3) of the Land Reform Law between September 1, 1977, and June 3, 1981

14. Every order of the Minister made after September 1, 1977 and prior to June 3, 1981 under subsection (3) of section 13 of the Land Reform Law (in this section referred to as an order of variation), amending, varying or modifying any order made by the Commission under subsection (2) of that section shall be deemed not to have been, or to be, invalid by reason only of the fact that-
(a) such Order of variation was made by the Minister on an appeal preferred to him after the expiration of the time limit specified in subsection (2) of that section, against such order of the Commission.
(b) The Minister had earlier rejected, under subsection (3) of section 13 of the Land Reform Law, an appeal preferred to him, under subsection (2) of that section, against such order of the Commission.

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