Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Mortgage (Amendment) Act (No. 3 of 1990) - Sect 2

Replacement of section 46 of Chapter 89

2. Section 46 of the Mortgage Act (hereinafter referred to as the "principal enactment") is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefor :
46. No decree in any hypothecary action upon any mortgage of land which is created after the coming into force of this section, and no decree in any action for the recovery of any moneys due upon any such mortgage, shall order any property, whatsoever, other than the mortgaged property to be sold for the recovery of any money found to be due under the mortgage, and no property whatsoever, other than the mortgaged property, shall be sold or be liable to be sold in execution of any such decree. In this section "action for the recovery of moneys due upon a mortgage" includes any action for the recovery of any debt secured by a mortgage whether the cause of action sued upon arises by reason of the mortgage or otherwise._

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