Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Mortgage (Amendment) Act (No. 3 of 1990) - Sect 5

Amendment of the First Schedule to the principal enactment

5. The First Schedule to the principal enactment is hereby amended by the addition at the end thereof, of the following : To the Registrar of Lands .,..,...,.., I (name in full and address) apply under section ... at the Mortgage Act for the registration in or in continuation of the folios specified at ' A' below of my right to occupy the land, by virtue of an agreement, particulars of which are given at B' below: A. Volume: Folio : Volume: Folio: B. My right to occupy is by virtue of deed/instrument dated executed by ............ the owner thereof or by virtue of an oral tenancy agreement with the owner, The registration fee of Rs .... is enclosed in stamps. Signature of Applicant or * Agent. * Agent means an Agent authorized in writing by the Applicant._

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