Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Medical (Amendment) Act (No. 40 of 1998) - Sect 4

Amendment of section 41 of the principal enactment

4. Section 41 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows :-
(1) in subsection (1) of that section, by the insertion immediately after paragraph (ccc) of that section, of the following paragraph :-
"(cccc) Any estate apothecary who is registered under subsection (2BB) of this section as being entitled to practise medicine and surgery and whose name is for the time being in the register maintained under that subsection ;";
(2) in subsection (2A) of that section by the substitution, for the words "aggregate period of at least fifteen years", wherever those words occur in that subsection, of the words "aggregate period of at least eight years";
(3) by the insertion immediately after subsection (2B) of that section of the following subsection :-
(a) any estate apothecary, whether he is employed in an estate or a group of estates or has ceased to be so employed may on furnishing proof to the satisfaction of the Director-General of Health Services that he"
(b) the registrar shall maintain a register of persons registered under this subsection and shall erase therefrom the name of any person ordered to he erased by the Medical Council under subsection (3) of this section ";
(4) in subsection (3) of that section-
(a) by the subsection, for the words "subsection (1) (cc) or any estate dispenser" of the words "subsection (1) (cc) or under subsection (1) (cccc) or any estate dispenser "; and
(b) by the substitution, for the words "subsection(2B) or an Order", of the words "subsection (2B) or subsection (2BB) or an Order".

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