Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Medical (Amendment) Act (No. 40 of 1998) - Sect 7

Insertion of new Part VIIAA in the principal enactment

7. The following new Part is hereby inserted immediately after Part VIIIA and shall have effect as Part VIIIAA of the principal enactment:
(1) The register of persons registered as members of a profession supplementary to medicine under paragraph (ee) of subsection (1) of section 20 shall consist of several parts as follows:-
(a) Part A shall contain the names of all persons admitted to the register as radiographers ;
(b) Part B shall contain the names of all persons admitted to the register as medical laboratory technologists;
(c) Part C shall contain the names of all persons admitted to the register as Physiotherapists;
(d) Part D shall contain the names of all persons admitted to the register as Occupational Therapists;
(2) The fee for registration , as a member of a profession supplementary to medicine shall be payable to the Registrar on application for registration.
(a) A person shall be qualified to be admitted to the register of members of a profession supplementary to medicine as a Radiographer, if he is of good character and holds a certificate of proficiency as a Radiographer issued by the College Council.
(b) A person shall be qualified to be admitted to the register of members of a profession supplementary to medicine as a medical laboratory technologist, if he is of good character and holds a certificate of proficiency as a medical laboratory technologist issued by the College Council.
(c) A person shall be qualified to be admitted to the register of members of a profession supplementary to medicine as a Physiotherapist, it' he is of good character and holds a certificate of proficiency as a Physiotherapist issued by the College Council.
(d) A person shall be qualified to be admitted to the register of members of a profession supplementary to medicine as an Occupational Therapist, if lie is of good character and holds a certificate of proficiency as an Occupational Therapist issued by the College Council.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1), a person admitted to the register of Paramedical Assistants, as a radiographer, medical laboratory technologist, physiotherapist or an occupational therapist, as the case may be, and whose registration is in force on the day preceding the date on which this section comes into operation, shall, with effect from the date on which this section has come into operation, be deemed to be admitted to the register of members of a profession supplementary to medicine as a radiographer, medical laboratory technologist, physiotherapist or occupational therapist, as the case may be.
60H. The name of any person registered under this Ordinance as a member of a profession supplementary to medicine, may be erased from the register of members of a profession supplementary to medicine, if-
(a) he is deprived of any certificate on the faith of which he was registered as a member of a profession supplementary to medicine; or
(b) he is convicted of an offence which shows him to be unfit to practice as a member of a profession supplementary to medicine; or
(c) he shows such negligence or incapacity as a member of a profession supplementary to medicine that he cannot safely be allowed to practice as such ; or (d) he is guilty of infamous conduct in any professional respect.
(1) No person, not being a registered member of a profession supplementary to medicine, shall use any name, title or description implying that he is registered under this Ordinance as a registered member of a profession supplementary to medicine.
(2) No person whose name is included in any part of the register of members of a profession supplementary to medicine shall use any name, title or description or otherwise do any act of any kind implying that the name of such person is included in some other part of that register in which it is not in fact so included.
60K. No person not being a registered member of profession supplementary to medicine, shall practice for gain, or profess to practice, or publish his name as practising, as a member of a profession supplementary to medicine.".

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