Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (No. 25 of 2002) - Sect 3

Object of the Act

3. The object of this Act is to facilitate the provision and obtaining, by Sri Lanka of assistance in criminal matters including-
(a) the location and identification of witnesses or suspects ;
(b) the service of documents ;
(c) the examination of witnesses ;
(d) the obtaining of evidence, documents or other articles :
(e) the execution of requests for search and seizure ;
(f) the effecting of a temporary transfer of a person in custody to appear as a witness ;
(g) the facilitation of the personal appearance of witnesses :
(h) the provision of documents and other records :
(i) the location, of the proceeds of any criminal activity ;
(j) the enforcement of orders for the payment of fines or for the forfeiture of freezing of property.

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