Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Markaz Al Islami islamic Centre (Incorporation) Act (No. 39 of 1993) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation-

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be
(a) to foster among the Muslim Ummah as envisaged by Islam, a spirit of Islamic brotherhood and to promote their educational, social and economic welfare ;
(b) to promote patriotism inter-communal amity and understanding among the Muslim Ummah while respecting the life styles and beliefs of fellow-human beings and safeguarding their rights and privileges;
(c) to guide Muslims towards the practical observance of Islam, and to provide accommodation and all other necessary facilities for their religious, cultural, educational and social activities and to maintain a Trust Fund for the purpose ;
(d) to set up institutions for primary and secondary education with emphasis on religious education :
(e) to set up and maintain a fully equipped library and promote the study of Islam ;
(f) to promote the study of Arabic language, whilst encouraging also, the study of English, Sinhala and Tamil;
(g) to promote the principles set out in the Universal Islamic Declarations;
(h) to organize a " Janaza Committee" to arrange for the funeral rights of poor Muslims ; widows in Iddat and orphans, to arrange Nikah, Kathna ceremonies medical care and housing for the disadvantaged and to collect, allocate and distribute, Zakah to those entitled to it as prescribed by Islam; and
(i) to engage in such other activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

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