35. In every mine-
(1) all shafts, adits, levels, galleries and underground passages shall, at all times when necessary, be timbered and supported, in a manner capable of ensuring the safety of all persons working in or passing through them; |
(2) all such fencing shall be erected and maintained as may be necessary to prevent any danger or damage to man or beast; |
(3) such ladder ways or other means shall be provided and maintained as will furnish effectual means of exit from any underground working, or of ascent or descent without the aid of winding machinery; |
(4) the mouth of every shaft, which for the time being is out of use or used only as an air-shaft, shall be surrounded with a substantial wall or fence; |
(5) every abandoned shaft shall be filled in as soon as it ceases to be required for any further use; and |
(6) every shaft which is not being worked shall be kept securely fenced until it is filled in. |