Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Municipal Councils And Urban Councils (Amendment) Act (No. 42 of 1979) - Sect 11

Amendment of section 157 of Chapter 255

11. Section 157 of the Urban Councils Ordinance (hereinafter in this Part referred to as the "principal enactment") is hereby amended as follows :-
(i) by the insertion, immediately after paragraph (3), of the following new paragraph :-
" (3A) The rendering of all returns and information that may be required for the purposes of the issue of any licence under this Ordinance.";
(ii) in paragraph (8) thereof, by the insertion, immediately after sub-paragraph (e), of the following new sub-paragraph :-
" (ee) the levy of fees for the examination and consideration of plans for new buildings or for alterations to existing buildings ; " ; and
(iii) in paragraph (9) thereof, by the substitution for sub-paragraph (f), of the following new sub paragraph :-
" (f) the abatement of nuisances, including the regulation and control of the operation of gramophones, loud-speakers, amplifiers and other instruments automatically or mechanically producing or reproducing sound;".

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