Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Maintenance Claims (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act (No. 54 of 1998) - Sect 14

Transitional provision

14. Where the Secretary has received, on any date after August, 7, 1958 but prior to the date on which this Act is certified, from the appropriate authority in a country to which the Maintenance Convention applies, an application by a person in that country for the recovery of maintenance from another person who is for the time being residing in Sri Lanka, such country shall be deemed to be a specified country in respect of which an Order has been made under section 2 of this Act, with effect from the day immediately preceding the date on which such application was received by the Secretary, and accordingly, the Secretary shall send such application to the Registrar of the Magistrate's court within the jurisdiction of which the person from whom maintenance is sought to be recovered resides, to be dealt with under this Act.

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