Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Maintenance Claims (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act (No. 54 of 1998) - Sect 2

Application of the Act

(1) The Minister may by Order published in the Gazette declare, that the provisions of this Act shall apply"
(a) in respect of every country as specified in such Order where"
(i) such country is a country to which the Maintenance Convention applies; or
(ii) an agreement has been entered into between Sri Lanka and such country extending the application of the provisions of this Act in respect of that country ; or
(b) to the Hongkong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, where an agreement has been entered into between Sri Lanka and such Special Administrative Region extending the application of the provisions of this Act, in respect of that Region.
(2) A country or the Special Administrative Region declared by Order made under subsection (1), shall hereinafter be referred to as a "specified country".

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