Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Mediation (Special Categories Of Disputes) Act (No. 21 of 2003) - Sect 17

Failure to comply with or violation of settlement

(1) Where in any dispute referred to a Board in pursuance of any application made under section 7 is settled, and one of the parties to the settlement thereafter fails to comply with, or violates the terms of such settlement at any time, the other party shall forthwith report such failure or violation as the case may be, to the Board.
(2) The Board shall upon receipt of a report under subsection (1), notify the parties to the settlement and such other persons as it may consider necessary, to be present at a specified time and place and shall endeavour to resolve any differences that may have arisen between them and shall assist them to enter into a fresh settlement. Where the resolution of such differences is not possible, the Board shall issue a certificate of non-settlement in the prescribed form, signed by the Chief Mediator, stating that it has not been possible to settle such dispute and also stating the reasons for such non settlement.

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